Ulla-Mari Lindström – CV
1997-98 Department of Photography, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1996-97 Department of Photography, University of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland
1992-95 Department of Free Media, direction painting, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, The Netherlands
1989-90 Dance studies, Community College of North Savo, Kuopio, Finland
1988-89 Art school Maa, Helsinki, Finland
1986-87 Fine art studies, Community College of Orivesi, Orivesi, Finland
Exhibitions coming up:
2025 Solo exhibition GalleriA Kuopio Art museum
2025 “Maagista” curated exhibition at Kuopio Art Museum
2024 “Hybrid Herbarium” Riogordo’s ethnographic museum, Malaga, Spain
2024 ”Evolutionary Illusions from Land and Sea, Vaasa City Art Gallery
2020 “Magical realism” Gallery Huuto, Helsinki, Finland
2019 “Evolutionary Utopias” Galería Espacio Alterno, Uniandinos Bogota, Kolumbia
2019 “Hybrid collection”, Museo del Chico, Bogota, Kolumbia
2018 “Evolution Utopias”, Gallery Ars Libera, Kuopio, Finland
2017 “Natural Art Collection-1”, Gallery Huuto Jätkäsaari, Helsinki, Finland
2015 “My personal Nature Lab”, Gallery Jangva, Helsinki, Finland
2011 “Microwaves”, Gallery 12, Helsinki, Finland
2010 “Photographs and video”, Gallery Jangva, Helsinki, Finland
2008 “Photographs and video” Gallery Mältinranta, Tampere, Finland
2008 “Getting loose from everyday life”, Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki, Finland
2008 “Getting loose from everyday life”, Photographic centre Peri, Turku, Finland
2006 “Getting loose from everyday life”, The Victor Barsokevitsh Photo Centre, Kuopio, Finland
2002 “Room in 120 minute” Dia-show Muiderpoort Theater, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2000 “Movement studies”, Bakeliittibambi, Helsinki, Finland
1999 Dance photographs, Muiderpoort Theater, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1996 Dance photographs, Dance theater Zodiak, Helsinki, Finland
2023 “Sweet Water Rough Water, HAA gallery Suomenlinna, Finland
2022 “Kerrostumia” / “Layers” Gallery Ratamo Jyväskylä, Finland
2022 “MUU MediataideTori 2022– media art fair, Cable Factory Helsinki, Finland
2022 “Kerrostumia” / “Layers” Fotocentrum Raseborg, Karjaa, Finland
2022 “Whose Nature?”/ “Kenen luonto?”Mikkeli art museum, Mikkeli, Finland
2021 “Whose Nature?”/ “Kenen luonto?” Jyväskylä Art Museum Jyväskylä, Kunsthalle Turku, The Northern Photographic Centre, Ostrobothnia’s photo center POVA, Finland
2020 “Change of Everything -Messages to the Future, ” Valmed ry,VB-valokuvakeskus Kuopio
2019 “Change of Everything” Valmed ry, Galleria Värinä, Rovaniemi, Finland
2019 “M-itä? biennale” Kuopio Art Museum, Kuopio, Finland
2018 “Reboot” Valmed ry, Valmed, Photography and media art society, Kuopio, Finland.
2016 “Seven giants” / “Seitsemän jättiläistä” /Artists’ Association of Kuopio Ars Libera, Kuopio Art
Museum, Finland, Curator Villu Jaanisoo
2016 “Herbarium here-hodie”, Kellarikalleria Suonenjoki, Finland
2016 “On the Road” / “Matkalla” Artists’ Association of Kuopio Ars Libera, Kuopio, Finland
2016 “Everyday” / “Arki”, Mylly Centre of Arts, Pieksämäki, Finland
2015 “Summer exhibition”, Mylly Centre of Arts, Pro Mylly, Kuopio, Finland
2014 “Roiske”, group exhibition members of Ars Libera, Galleria Kulma, Kuopio
2014 “Global Mix”, Valmed, Photography and media art society, Pro Mylly, Kuopio, Finland
2014 “Mylly Summer exhibition”, Pro Mylly, Kuopio, Finland
2014 “Visions” / “Näkyjä”, Valmed, Photography and media art society, Karelia Air Command, Kuopio
2013 “Uusi Muu”, group exhibition, Muu galleria, Helsinki, Finland
2013 “Towards the eastern coniferous forests”, Gallery Huuto, Helsinki, Finland
2013 “Risk,” North Savo Photography and Media Art Association Valmed, Kuopio, Finland
2013 “Samtal”, Tikanojan taidekoti, Vaasa, Finland
2012 “Love”, Artists’ Association of Kuopio Ars Libera, , Finland, Curator Juha-Heikki Tihinen
2012 “Olen tässä” Photography Exhibition Eastern Finland, Photocenter V.Barsokevitsch, Kuopio, Finland
2011 “Dream Conference”, ROC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2011 “Underneath” / “Pinnan alla”, group exhibition, Mikkeli, Finland
2010 “Artists 2010” – Exhibition, The 115th Annual Exhibition of Finnish Artists, Tampere, Finland
2010 “Street Gallery Project, Counterforce”, streets of Helsinki, Finland
2010 “Kalma”, Ars Libera groub exhibition, Poleeni, Pieksänmäki, Finland
2009 “Electricity in the Air “- Videos and gadgets of collections, Art Museum of Kuopio, Finland
2008 Photography Exhibition region Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
2008 “Evviiva”, Ars Libera 50-years Celebration exhibition, Art Museum of Kuopio, Finland
2008 “Muistissamme”, Photography Exhibition region Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
2008 “360°”, Art exhibition Region eastern Finland, Kulttuurikeskus Poleeni, Finland
2006 “Bonus”, groub exhibition of Ars Libera, Art Museum, Kuopio
2005 “Tytöt vastarinnatta”, Galleri Kakelhallen, Mariehamn, Åland Nothern Photocenter, 2004
Gallery 5, Oulu, 2003 Photocenter Peri,Turku, Finland
2000 “Movement studies”, Reflex Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2000 “Movement studies”, Gallery Kapriisi, Kuopio, Finland
1999 “Rietveld naar de Beurs”, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1998 “Kunst aanmoedigingsprijs “(nomination art prize), Amstelveen,The Netherlands
1998 Eindexamen / Final examination, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2019 “Big Little Miracles” set of eight photos, neonatal intensive care unit, Kuopio University Hospital
2018 “Buny hiding”, Mural, Kuopio University Hospital
2017 “Frog the fog”, Interactive video, Kuopio University Hospital
2011 “Dreams with wings”, series of photographs, Puijonsarvi school, Kuopio
2011 “In Depths”, photo series, Kuopio Railway Station
Finnish Art Association,Helsinki, Finland
State Art Collections Finland
Kuopio Art Museum,Finland
Galleria Reflex, Amsterdam,The Netherlands
City of Kuopio,Finland
Private collection: Kuopio, Helsinki, Tampere, Amsterdam
2023 Augmenters. Riogordo, Malaga, Espanja
2021 Old Mine Residency /Vanhan Kaivoksen Residenssi Outokumpu
2019 Arcapacha residence Tolima, Kolumbia
2015 Arcapacha residenssi Tolima, Kolumbia
SUR in English, 2024 Art and culture, 5.4.2024, Jennie Rhodes
Ilkka Pohjalainen 5.3.2024 Evolutionary Illusions From Land and Sea
Kaltio / Kenen luonto 1-2- 2021
El Tiempo, 2019 “Evolutionary Utopias” exhibition Galería Espacio Alterno
2019 Utopias Evolutivas / Evolutionary Utopias catalog exhibition Galería Espacio Alterno
Taide 5-19, Kritiikit, Pessi Rautio, Pysytään aiheessa, M_itä? Nykytaiteen biennaali
Climate Art 2019-Nordic Expressions
Savon sanomat 28.9.2016, Seitsemän Jättiläistä, Sari hakala näyttelykatalogi 2016
Puolilehti, verkkoarvostelut, 29.4.2015
Love- Ars Liberan näyttelykatalogi 2012
Taide, 6/2008, Juhlanäyttely huutomerkillä ja ilman – EVVIVA! Castrén Hannu
Minna Canthin jalanjäljillä-kiertonäyttely verkossa 2007
Liik(ke)että, Pohjois-Savon valokuvan aluenäyttely 2005
Helsingin sanomat, 2001, arvio ”Liiketutkielmia”-näyttelystä
Image-lehti, 2001, kuvasalkku c kuvia, Pessi Rautio
Rietveld naar de Beurs, taidemyynti tapahtuma, Amsterdam 2000
Kunst aanmoedigingsprijs, taidepalkinto-ehdokkuus, Amstelveen 1998
Gerrit Rietveld Academie, lopputyökatalogi, Amsterdam 1998
Savon Sanomat 2005, “Pysäytetyn liikkeen lumoissa” Aulikki Elo
Helsingin sanomat, 2001, arvio ”Liiketutkielmia”-näyttelystä, Pessi Rautio
Image-lehti, 2/2001, kuvasalkku kuvia
Rietveld naar de Beurs, taidemyynti tapahtuma, Amsterdam 2000
Kunst aanmoedigingsprijs, taidepalkinto-ehdokkuus, Amstelveen 1998
Gerrit Rietveld Academie, lopputyökatalogi, Amsterdam 1998